Since the law never hesitates to borrow wisdom from other disciplines, Stevenson's quote is an apt summation of the doctrine of Stare Decisis. 法律从来都很愿意向其他的学科汲取智慧,史蒂文森的话是对遵循先例的一种概括。
The Doctrine of Stare Decisis is the rule binding us to earlier precedents unless a powerful reason is shown to reject them. 照先例办事的规则使得我们要受到先例的约束,除非有强大的理由可以拒绝它们。
As a basic institution of English law, the doctrine of stare decisis goes a long way before coming into being gradually depending on judges 'convention and experience of decision. 作为英国法的一项基本制度,遵循先例原则的最终确立经历了一个漫长的发展过程,它依赖英国法官裁判惯例和裁判经验逐渐形成。
To practice the legal doctrine of arrest writs or warrants and build the mechanism of the separation of custody from arrestment; Then some institutions in common law are discussed, which are the writs, jury, stare decisis, supremacy of law. 实行逮捕的令状主义规则,建立逮捕与羁押相分离的体制;接着文章又介绍了普通法传统的几项制度,包括令状制度、陪审制度、遵循先例制度和法律至上原则。
On those numerous precedents grow the tradition and spirit of common law, including doctrine of stare decisis, case-oriented teaching, and legal community. 也正是依附于这些卷帙浩繁的判例,判例法的传统和精神才能够慢慢生长,包括遵循先例原则的确立、独特的案例教学之法、法律职业共同体的形成。